2025-01-17 13:45News

Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier realizes its architectural vision with Nord-Lock washers

Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier glass panel roof, secured with Nord-Lock washers.The glass roof of Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier, featuring a complex steel framework with curved, interwoven beams supporting unique glass panels. 2024 Roschmann.

The Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier is a newly developed district, with doors opening in April 2024, that “combines space to live and work with inspiring cultural and leisure activities as well as innovative shopping concepts”. As part of the district's dedication to sustainability and innovative design, an inner glass roof consisting of thousands of unique panels, was designed by renowned German architect Werner Sobek.

Constructing the glass roof presented several engineering challenges, with the most significant ones related to deciding on an optimal bolting solution. Firstly, the bolted connections had to be located inside hollow sections and welded over, meaning they would not be accessible once assembled. Additionally, for safety and durability reasons, the roof had to allow for slight movement, which necessitated bolted connections that were not fully preloaded.

After considering several alternative bolting methods in light of these challenges, glass façade specialists for steel constructions, Roschmann Group, opted for Nord-Lock washers due to their unsurpassed capability of securing bolted connections despite movements, dynamic loads, and humid environments. Nord-Lock also allowed Roschmann to construct part of the highly complex roof construction off-site, as well as accommodating the roof’s non-standardized bolting method.

“There simply isn’t much time, which means that effectiveness is everything. That was also a decisive reason why we chose Nord-Lock. Not only did we know that Nord-Lock washers would be able to meet all of the roofs unique requirements, but we’ve come to know them as a highly collaborative and quick-responding partner.” - Michael Skopp, Head of Research and Development at Roschmann Group.

Learn about all the details and efforts involved in realizing the architectural vision, while accounting for the safety and durability aspects of the roof construction, in the full customer case.

About Nord-Lock Group

The Nord-Lock Group believes that no one should have to question the integrity of the mechanical systems that play such a critical role in our way of life. As a global leader in bolting solutions, we strengthen public and industrial infrastructures with high-quality, safe and innovative solutions that will change the face of modern living for decades to come.


Alexander Wennberg
Global Marketing Director
Alexander Wennberg